Our Technology Program

Students enrolled at Arise preparatory Academy shall be provided a first shot to optionally enroll at Arise Technology Center.

The mission of Arise Technology Center is to help people children and adults use technology more effectively for learning and career building. Arise Technology provides educational technology hands-on learning opportunities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Our world is now technology driven. If not checked, kids are ready to go on and on having playing games on phones and TV’s. Arise Technology Center’s goal it translate their love for games into a learning experience. At Arise, children would be thought on how to develop their own games, drawing on their logic and reasoning abilities, creativity and imagination, as well as their growing understanding of the software

Our programs are designed for innovative solutions to facilitate teaching and learning. We also offer technology workshops and summer camps for the general public.

Our programs include the following:

  • Game Programming
  • Robotics and Engineering
  • Computer Programming
  • Film & Video Production

Our students stand to gain the following:

  • Improve the ability to focus
  • Develop computational thinking skills
  • Develop problem solving and critical thinking skills.
  • Take on an iterative approach to problem solving
  • Enhance Digital Literacy skills
  • Build confidence and creativity
  • Prepare for secondary education and projects at school and higher learning
  • Prepare for the jobs of the future in a rapidly advancing technological world
  • Develop patience, resilience and strong leadership skills in managing and advancing in technology